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Welcome To My Portofolio



I am a creative technologist, thinker and artist who likes to implement my inspirations and culture into my art as a stamp on my own personal history, my artwork is a sort of timeline journey of things that inspired me at the time of creating certain artworks. Some of my art pieces are a time portal back to my younger years and the games and events I experienced are used as an inspiration whenever I create something. In the 'WORK' section I made a game that's inspired by Flappy Bird (which was a childhood game) called 'Rocket Hop' using p5js.

I spend my free time getting inspiration by immersing myself in different forms of art whether it be music, films, fashion or video games. In doing so, this allows me to know clearly what to make and take bits of what has inspired me and implement it into my work, it's my way of giving homage to the art that inspired me. I enjoy fusing different forms of art together, such as making music for a certain type of fashion style, this would show the chemistry of how each form of media link.

My goal is to venture into all forms of art and create work that defines me, I don't want to be confined into one category, I would like to experience all forms of art and the processes of each artwork. One of my bigger goals is to dive into music and try merge tech/wearable tech and music. I believe the future is wearable tech so my vision is of creating a reliable and working wearable DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) or allowing access their tracks on stage without the need of a laptop.

Within this website I will be showcasing my art and allow you to get a glimpse into what sort of artist and developer I am. The 'WORK' section shall show some of the projects I have done through various coding libraraies including Pygame via Python and p5js. 'IDEAS/DRAWINGS' section will have some ideas,drawings and other thoughts I've had whether it be a programming project or a drawing. Feel free to send a message via the 'CONTACT' page if you would like to collaborate or if you just want to send a nice message :)


Here is a video of one of my projects which visualises audio, the red/orange/green visualises the high frequenceies whereas the blue/purple visualises the lower frequenceies, this project was done through p5js.

I made a game that was inspired by Flappy Bird, I redesigned it to make it spaced themed, I had to create a sort of gravity affect to make it so the only way to keep the rocket flying is by repeatedly and tactically pressing the SPACE bar.

This video shows another project I made that uses your vocals to create art in the forms of squares, the louder the input is, the bigger the square it generates and it changes colour as you go along. It also follows and generates sqaures depending on the positioning of the cursor on the screen.

This is a game I created in Pygame which I drew inspiration from the 90s era Mortal Kombat games, the game has no time limit and requires one of the players to eliminate the others health.

In this project I created a pattern with the goal of it being in the theme of psychedelia. I made this project also so that the cursor is used to have the ability to change the colour based on the X and Y positioning, when I move the cursor the dots within the pattern change simultaneosly giving off a colourful effect, it's colour changing speed also depends on how fast the cursor is being moved as well.

This project was inspired by Space Invaders but I added my own twist. The theme is that you are a white blood cell attacking bacteria that is trying to affect the heart. I used an 8-bit version of a song to also give off the retro theme I wanted for this project.

This project was my first attempt at using animejs to create an animated visual which I was inspired by negative space patterns, I wanted to try create a sort of animated pattern that gives the feel of a futuristic loading screen.


Drawing of one of my favourite antagonists from a the show One Piece, it's a talking dragon beast. This was one of my longer drawing projects but it came out well in the end. Animations and other forms of media really inspire my work a lot especially this show, it gives me many ideas to think about when starting projects.

This is a screen shot of one of my music projects I've been working on using the DAW Ableton. My aim for this project was to create a vibe to match a certain setting/scenario, in this case it was 'Driving in Miami'. It goes back to my ideas of trying to fuse different forms of media together.

This was one of my projects where I created an arduino board that can be used as an alarm. The alarm will go off if the board detects movement within a certain distance and from the buzzer being triggered, the board will notify the owner via email using the wifi chip connected to the board.

This image shows drawings of different stances and 'attacks' this is so I can refine my drawings of characters for future use, especially when I decide to create characters for a game.
